outletSpecifies the routing target. If not specifying an outlet and if navigating in the context of an outlet, that outlet will be used as the navigation target, or the primary outlet otherwise.
paramsSpecifies the parameters that, if navigating via URL, are used to substitute named URL parameters or that are passed along with the intent if navigating via intent.
pushInstructs the router to push a state to the browser's session history stack, allowing the user to use the back button to navigate back in the outlet. By default, this behavior is disabled.
relativeSpecifies the base URL to resolve a relative url. If not specified, the current window location is used to resolve a relative path.
Note that this property has no effect if navigating via intent.
showInstructs the router outlet to show a splash, such as a skeleton or loading indicator, until the microfrontend signals readiness. The splash is the markup between the opening and closing tags of the router outlet element.
This flag is ignored when navigating by intent as specified by the microfrontend capability in MicrofrontendCapability.properties.showSplash.
Options to control outlet navigation.