connectConnects this microfrontend to the platform host.
A microfrontend should connect to the platform host during application bootstrapping. In Angular, for example, this is typically done in an app initializer. Since connecting to the platform host is an asynchronous operation, the microfrontend should wait for the Promise to resolve before interacting with the platform or other microfrontends.
The platform connects to the host through its window hierarchy. Therefore, the microfrontend must be embedded as direct or indirect child window of the host application window.
Specifies the symbolic name of the application of this microfrontend. The application must be registered in the platform host under this symbol.
connectOptions: ConnectOptionsControls how to connect to the platform host.
Promise that resolves when successfully connected to the platform host, or that rejects otherwise, e.g., if not allowed to connect because not registered.
signalSignals readiness to notify the platform that the microfrontend has completed initialization.
When navigating to the microfrontend with OutletRouter.navigate('path/to/microfrontend', {showSplash: true})
a splash is displayed until the microfrontend signals readiness.
Central point for a microfrontend to connect to the platform host in order to interact with the platform and other microfrontends. This class cannot be instantiated. All functionality is provided by static methods.