observe$Receives messages published to the given topic.
You can subscribe to multiple topics simultaneously by using wildcard segments in the topic. If a segment begins with a colon (:
then the segment acts as a placeholder for any segment value. Substituted segment values are then available via the params property
of the received message.
const topic: string = 'myhome/:room/temperature';
Beans.get(MessageClient).observe$(topic).subscribe((message: TopicMessage) => {
If the received message has the MessageHeaders.ReplyTo header field set, the publisher expects the receiver to send one or more replies to that ReplyTo topic. If streaming responses, you can use the takeUntilUnsubscribe operator to stop replying when the requestor unsubscribes.
const topic: string = 'myhome/livingroom/temperature';
Beans.get(MessageClient).observe$(topic).subscribe((request: TopicMessage) => {
const replyTo = request.headers.get(MessageHeaders.ReplyTo);
.subscribe(temperature => {
Beans.get(MessageClient).publish(replyTo, `${temperature}°C`);
Specifies the topic which to observe.
Topics are case-sensitive and consist of one or more segments, each separated by a forward slash.
You can subscribe to the exact topic of a published message, or use wildcards to subscribe to multiple
topics simultaneously. If a segment begins with a colon (:
), then the segment acts as a placeholder for any
string value. Substituted segment values are available in the TopicMessage.params on the received message.
An Observable that emits messages sent to the given topic. It never completes.
onConvenience API for handling messages.
Unlike observe$
, messages are passed to a callback function rather than emitted from an Observable. Response(s) can be returned directly
from the callback. It supports error propagation and request termination. Using this method over observe$
significantly reduces the code
required to respond to requests.
For each message received, the specified callback function is called. When used in request-response communication,
the callback function can return the response either directly or in the form of a Promise or Observable. Returning a Promise
allows the response to be computed asynchronously, and an Observable allows to return one or more responses, e.g., for
streaming data.
If the callback function returns no value (void), returns undefined
, or returns a Promise that resolves to undefined
, communication is terminated
immediately without a response. If the callback returns an Observable, all its emissions are transported to the requestor and communication is not
terminated until the Observable completes. Termination of communication always completes the requestor's Observable.
If the callback throws an error, or the returned Promise or Observable errors, the error is
transported to the requestor, erroring the requestor's Observable.
Specifies the topic which to observe. For more information, see the API description of observe$.
Specifies the callback to be called for each message. When used in request-response communication, the callback function can return the response either directly or in the form of a Promise or Observable. If returning a response in fire-and-forget communication, it is ignored. Throwing an error in the callback does not unregister the callback.
Subscription to unregister the callback. Calling Subscription.unsubscribe will complete the Observable of all requestors, if any.
publishPublishes a message to the given topic. The message is transported to all consumers subscribed to the topic.
A message can be marked as "retained" by setting the PublishOptions.retain flag to true
. It instructs the broker to store this message and
deliver it to new subscribers, even if they subscribe after the message has been published. The broker stores one retained message per topic. To
delete a retained message, send a retained message without payload to the topic. Deletion messages are not transported to subscribers.
Specifies the topic to which the message should be sent. Topics are case-sensitive and consist of one or more segments, each separated by a forward slash. The topic is required and must be exact, thus not contain wildcards.
message: TSpecifies optional transfer data to be carried along with this message. It can be any object which is serializable with the structured clone algorithm.
options: PublishOptionsControls how to publish the message and allows setting message headers.
A Promise that resolves when dispatched the message, or that rejects if the message could not be dispatched.
request$Sends a request to the given topic and receives one or more replies.
A request can be marked as "retained" by setting the RequestOptions.retain flag to true
. It instructs the broker to store this request and
deliver it to new subscribers, even if they subscribe after the request has been sent. Retained requests are not replaced by later retained requests/
messages and remain in the broker until the requestor unsubscribes.
If not marking the request as "retained", at least one subscriber must be subscribed to the topic. Otherwise, the request is rejected.
Specifies the topic to which the request should be sent. Topics are case-sensitive and consist of one or more segments, each separated by a forward slash. The topic is required and must be exact, thus not contain wildcards.
request: anySpecifies optional transfer data to be carried along with the request. It can be any object which is serializable with the structured clone algorithm.
options: RequestOptionsControls how to send the request and allows setting request headers.
An Observable that emits when receiving a reply. It never completes unless the replier sets the status code ResponseStatusCodes.TERMINAL in the MessageHeaders.Status message header. Then, the Observable completes immediately after emitted the reply. The Observable errors if the request could not be dispatched. It will also error if the replier sets a status code greater than or equal to 400, e.g., ResponseStatusCodes.ERROR.
subscriberAllows observing the number of subscriptions on a topic. The Observable never completes.
Specifies the topic to observe. The topic must be exact, thus not contain wildcards.
An Observable that, when subscribed, emits the current number of subscribers on it. It never completes and emits continuously when the number of subscribers changes.
Message client for sending and receiving messages between microfrontends across origins.
This client implements the topic-based pub/sub (publish/subscribe) messaging model, allowing for one message to be delivered to multiple subscribers using topic addressing.
The communication is built on top of the native
mechanism. The host app acts as message broker.Topic Addressing
A publisher publishes a message to a topic, which then is transported to consumers subscribed to the topic. Topics are case-sensitive and consist of one or more segments, each separated by a forward slash. When publishing a message to a topic, the topic must be exact, thus not contain wildcards. Messages published to a topic are transported to all consumers subscribed to the topic. Consumers, on the other hand, can subscribe to multiple topics simultaneously by using wildcard segments in the topic.
Retained Message
You can mark a message as "retained" for helping newly subscribed clients to get the last message published to a topic immediately upon subscription. The broker stores one retained message per topic, i.e., a later sent retained message will replace a previously sent retained message. To delete a retained message, send a retained message without payload to the topic.
Retained Request
Unlike retained messages, retained requests are not replaced by later retained requests/messages and remain in the broker until the requestor unsubscribes.
Request-Response Messaging
Sometimes it is useful to initiate a request-response communication to wait for a response. Unlike with fire-and-forget messaging, a temporary inbox is created for the sender to receive replies. If there is no consumer subscribed on the topic, the platform throws an error.