Hook to intercept the host manifest before it is registered in the platform.
If integrating the platform in a library, you may need to intercept the manifest of the host in order to introduce library-specific behavior.
You can register the interceptor in the bean manager, as follows:
Beans.register(HostManifestInterceptor, {useClass: YourInterceptor, multi: true}); Copy
Beans.register(HostManifestInterceptor, {useClass: YourInterceptor, multi: true});
The interceptor may look as following:
class YourInterceptor implements HostManifestInterceptor { public intercept(hostManifest: Manifest): void { hostManifest.intentions = [ ...hostManifest.intentions || [], provideMicrofrontendIntention(), ]; hostManifest.capabilities = [ ...hostManifest.capabilities || [], provideMessageBoxCapability(), ]; }}function provideMicrofrontendIntention(): Intention { return { type: 'microfrontend', qualifier: {'*': '*'}, }; }function provideMessageBoxCapability(): Capability { return { type: 'messagebox', qualifier: {}, private: false, description: 'Allows displaying a simple message to the user.', }; } Copy
class YourInterceptor implements HostManifestInterceptor { public intercept(hostManifest: Manifest): void { hostManifest.intentions = [ ...hostManifest.intentions || [], provideMicrofrontendIntention(), ]; hostManifest.capabilities = [ ...hostManifest.capabilities || [], provideMessageBoxCapability(), ]; }}function provideMicrofrontendIntention(): Intention { return { type: 'microfrontend', qualifier: {'*': '*'}, }; }function provideMessageBoxCapability(): Capability { return { type: 'messagebox', qualifier: {}, private: false, description: 'Allows displaying a simple message to the user.', }; }
Allows modifying the host manifest before it is registered in the platform, e.g., to register capabilities or intentions.
Hook to intercept the host manifest before it is registered in the platform.
If integrating the platform in a library, you may need to intercept the manifest of the host in order to introduce library-specific behavior.
You can register the interceptor in the bean manager, as follows:
The interceptor may look as following: